Monday, October 7, 2019

Palestine and Israel crisis and its effects on U.S. Arab relations Essay

Palestine and Israel crisis and its effects on U.S. Arab relations - Essay Example The role of the United States in the peace process involving the two parties is debated time and again both by the Arabs and the Jews. The Arab countries are especially worried about the American approach and intent. They generally appear to be suspecting a geopolitical encroachment from the powerful American side combined with the interests of Israel. Even faithful American allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey do not appear to be least contented about the lingering Palestine and Israel crisis and the American role in the peace process. Thesis Statement Palestine and Israel crisis has increased geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and the Arab countries, which has made this issue multilateral and increasingly complex. Effects of the Crisis Involving the Region In general, the international community holds that American policy in this region favors Israel. The military superiority of Israel relative to any plausible coalition of the Arab parties has been primarily maintained through American military assistance.1 Since military power has played a very important role throughout the Palestine and Israel crisis, political geography of the region has been considerably changed. Israel has increased the geographical extent of its political dominion (by annexation of Golan Heights, for example). Also, it has the ability to block and encircle the West Bank and Gaza Strip at utter geographical convenience. Moreover, Israel has strategically erected and shifted Jewish settlements in the region from time to time. Israel has four widely accepted physiological divisions: Northern Coast, Central Hills, Jordan Rift Valley, and Nagev Desert.2 The topography of Palestine is relatively simple; West Bank is landlocked and hilly, while Gaza shows general features of an uneven coastal terrain.3 However, Israel’s stringent security and economic policies in regards of its settlements in West Bank and its control over the Gaza coast has complicated the political geography of th e region. Israel’s regional geo-strategic moves have adversely affected the Arab nations at large. The Arab countries are becoming more and more sensitive about their geographical borders and natural resources, which has pressurized America. America has to provide military support to the countries like Egypt and Jordan, and cautiously position its troops in and around the Arabian Peninsula. Palestine and Israel crisis is antagonizing even the non Arab countries like Iran and Pakistan. In sum, regional geopolitics is becoming very intense in the Middle East and even in South Asia. Effects Involving Mobility Annexation, blockade, settlement, evacuation, and politically motivated demographic alterations have increased the importance of mobility in the context of Palestine and Israel crisis. â€Å"The contrast between Oriental Jews and Israeli Arabs with regard to their different geographical mobility is striking. The Oriental Jews are immigrants who lost contact with their coun tries of origin, whereas the Arabs are natives who resumed ties with their people. The Orientals have a large degree of internal migration, whereas the Arabs almost none.†4 In the course of the Arab – Israeli conflict, Israel saw an influx of Jewish asylum seekers from the Arab countries while Palestinians were turned almost into refugees in their own land and strategically isolated. Moreover, during and after the World War II, thousands of Jews migrated to America and there they eventually formed a very strong socio-political lobby for Israel. This lobby has been strong enough to decide the course of American policies in the Middle East, even beyond

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